It All Started with the MapThe Ludham Archive Group started in 2002. A group of villagers got together to create a Textile project as part of the Millennium celebrations. The result was a textile map of the village.
The Map and side panels on display in St Catherine's Church
With the
map under construction and the frame being carved, the
Archive Group then turned its attention to the next part
of the project - the creation of a lasting archive of
Ludham Village. The decision was taken early on that this
would be a computer based project and the Archive Group
would not collect any physical things. So computers,
cameras, scanners and printers were purchased and the work
of creating an archive began. It costs
money to get an archive group going, and the Ludham
Community Archive was really helped by a series of grants.
These came from Awards for All Lottery funds, Broads and
Rivers Leader Plus Community Chest and North Norfolk
District Council. Local businesses also made contributions
to the funds needed to get the project going. Of course,
it is nice to get out and about in Ludham to see the
historical places for yourself. The Archive Group
organised a few historical walks, and these proved so
popular that they developed into our Winter Walks. More
details on our Meetings page.
Archive Group members on a winter walk somewhere in Ludham
always nice to have a book and there is a very good one
about Ludham in the 19th century by Joan Snelling. To
complement this, the Archive Group has written a history
of Ludham in the 20th Century. Writing a book takes time
and it took over 10 years to be completed. It is now
completed and you can read the book for free on this
website. We printed 150 copies of the book, but these are
now all sold. Just click on the 20th Century Ludham button
to find the on-line version. We also have a series of
booklets available about different aspects of Ludham in
the past. You can download these for free from our
Downloads Page.
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