
ludham archive

     Boardman Family Photographs

From the 1927-1929 Album

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These photographs come from Humphrey Boardman's album

How Hill 1927
Big Room
Easter at ludham

Above - Ludham Church decorated for Easter

Left - Inside the Big Room at How Hill House
Wherries at Ludham Bridge

Above - Two wherries moored at a cold and snowy Ludham Bridge

Right - A shooting party. Humphrey is on the left and Edward Boardman is on the right.
Humphrey and binder
Above - 1928. Stuart Boardman and a horse drawn binder. Bloom is driving. Stuart took over the running of How Hill Farm.

Shooting party
View from Mill
The view from How Hill Mill with the house in the foreground and Turf Fen Mill behind

Winter 29
Winter 1929 and some interesting transport

Vera and Rumbles
Actress Vera Wilson who later married Humphrey sitting in Humphrey's car "Rumbleguts"

Bye Rumbles
Rumbleguts comes to the end of its life and has to go. Christmas 1929

Wherry Race
A wherry race. The caption says the wherry Hilda is last.

Boating at How Hill 1929

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