
ludham archive

     Bond Family

Bond Family Information

From Beulah Gowing November 2004

The Bond Family owned the shop "Bonds of Norwich" which is now part of the John Lewis Group.

George the Farmer died young in 1846 at the age of 37 having had 6 children with Ann. His widow sold off land in 1857. Some arable and seven marshes plus a windmill or drainage mill bounded by the River Thurne and Womack Dyke. The mill was known as Coldharbour Mill and was demolished in 1935.

The 1842 tithe map reveals George Bond owned and lived in Hall Common Farm, Ludham (99). The numbers refer to this map and show individual plots of land. These include:

100 - pasture called Driftway Lane leading to boat dyke (107). 106 was The Meadow. It contained 3 oblongs of water leading from 100.
107 was Bonds Boat Dyke. A stretch of water leading into Womack from the farmyard. (water transport was used more than road in those days with wherries carrying supplies).
108 - The meadow, pasture.
111 - The Carr, woodland.
638 - The House piece. Field opposite the farm house. Lane between to Coldharbour.
639 - Granary piece. Field opposite to south. A concrete pill box built for war time use 1939/45 is still there.
654 - Common allotment. Field situated at lower sand hole.
655 - Clamp piece. South of Coldharbour Lane.
664 - Great Marsh.
681 - Further allotment. Large arable field.
682 - Loke way. Grass loke (lane) leading to access to 683
683, 684, 685 - Marsh
687, 688 - Ozier Carr. These canes were cut, stripped and used for weaving baskets and hurdles.
724 - Mill field. Field in Lovers Lane. Post Mill (blown down in 1898 and destroyed). The deeds of the existing adjoining cottage (much altered) date from 1699.

I knew Owen John Bond although he was an adult and I was a child who delivered the liquid refreshment to "Womack View" for his garden party. Mainly because I could have a ride back to the King's Arms in the empty hand cart pushed by my father, the publican. I used to enjoy the yellow tomatoes and grapes from Bond's greenhouse - but that was the gardener's generosity.

From the Parish Registers:


Nov 6th 1838. Alfred Crow Norton. Full age, batchelor, grocer of Market Place, Gt Yarmouth. Son of James Norton, Farmer. ~m~ Rosetta Bond, minor, Spinster of Ludham. Daughter of John Bond, Farmer. Witnessed: Mary Anne Bond, Mary Compton, Maryann Garrett, James Garrett, George Bond.
Nov 9th 1848. Charles Cubitt. Full age, batchelor, labourer, Ludham son of John Cubitt labourer ~m~ Mary Ann Bond, minor, spinster of Ludham, daughter of James Bond, labourer. Witnessed: Charlotte Cubitt, Ann Elizabeth Cubitt.
Nov 3rd 1885. Thomas Robert Bond aged 37 batchelor, labourer, Ludham son of Royal Bond ~m~ Harriet May Allen, agd 28 spinster, Ludham daughter of William Allen malster. Witnessed: John Wilkerson, Mary Elizabeth Thurgate.
Jan 17th 1911. Robert Nobbs, 68 widower, roadman of Ludham son of Robert Nobbs labourer ~m~ Harriet May Bond 54 widow (of Thomas Robert Bond) daughter of William Allen.

Baptism: (from parish magazine)

Jan 20th 1889. Sidney william, son of Thomas Robert and Mary Ann Bond
Mar 30th 1890. Stanley Bernard, son of Thomas Robert and Mary Ann Bond

Church Restoration Fund: (from parish magazine)

May 1889. J.G. Bond gave £5 5/- (5 guineas). Mrs A. Bond gave £2.

1891. Mr R. Bond gave 10/6 (ten shillings and six pence) to same fund.


Dec 3rd 1891. Death of Mrs Bond who died at Lyndhurst, Chemsford. Widow of the late George bond was buried at Ludham aged 82 (buried 8th Dec)

Bond tree

Bond tree

Bond tree
Update September 2011

The above tree Shows Laura Sarah English as the wife of Charles Edward Bond. This should really be Laura Sarah Hacon. Hacon was her maiden name, but she did marry Mr English after the death of Charles Edward Bond.

The above tree shows Edward Charles Bond who married Winifred and had a son called Alec. This information is incomplete and the missing information about this branch of the family is as follows:

Edward Charles Bond 1871- 1951 married (date unknown) Winifred Reathall Field 1880- 1964 . They had four children :

1) Alec 1911 -1980 married:
1. Irene Taylor (marriage dissolved)
2. Audrey Espindola (died 2002)
no children

2) Charles Colin (known as Colin) 1915 -1936
unmarried no children

3) Constance Amy 1916 ---
married 1943 Eric Gibson 1919-1985
one child
Philippa 1945 married 1969 David Birleson 1943
two children
1. Andrew 1975
2. Simon 1977 married 2008 Sarah Banks 1980

4) Pauline Mary 1919 --2007
married 1940 Stanley Balls 1919-- 1999
one child
Susan 1959 married 1981 Neil O'Shea 1957
two children
1. Claire 1988
2. James 1991

Update January 2012

We have had several enquiries recently from different members of the Bond family researching the family tree. Here is some information kindly supplied by Bruce Bond:

George William Bond (d. 1950 NOT 1954) married Kate Jane Osmond 19-10-1903

Nolan Bond: Born 3-04-1910 Died 13-09-1991
Married 11-09-1937
Margaret Eileen (Peggy) Kelly: Born 19-08-1915 Died 22-12-2001

Both buried at St Benet’s Church Beccles.

Gail Bond married 17-07-1961 Hugh Michael Spencer :
They have living children.

Bruce Patrick Bond  Married 19-10-1973 - Ann Mary Taylor born Norwich 10-03-1946 – died 12-06-2002

Moira Frances Bond born 15-01-1945 died 11-02-2009

We do have more information so e-mail if you need it.

Update January 2020

We now have a couple of handwritten Family Trees. These came from the family of the late Beulah Gowing and were drawn by her. They are quite large and do not fit well on this page so it is better to download them. To do this, just click here.

                to our Family Tree Page