
ludham archive

     Coleby Family

Following an enquiry to the Ludham Archive Group from a visitor to St Catherine's Church, the Ludham Archive has been investigating the connections between the Coleby Family and Ludham.

In St Catherine's churchyard, there is just one Coleby gravestone. It is grave D15 and it reads as follows:

Sacred to the memory of  Charles Coleby who departed this life Dec. 28th 1830 aged 68 years

“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Ch.1 v.21 Job.

Also to the memory of Ann Coleby the wife of Charles Coleby who died April 11th 1850 aged 83 years and who is interred in St. George’s Tombland Norwich

Also of Agnes Rand Coleby granddaughter of the above who died March 1st 1831 aged 10 months

What the stone does not mention is that Ann Coleby was originally buried in this grave. We know this is true because the burial is recorded in the Parish Records. Her body was later exhumed and moved to St George's Church in Norwich. However, the records do not say why. The family story is that she was moved to lie with her family who all came from that part of Norwich.

Here is a family tree for Charles Coleby and Ann Rand.

After this time, the name Rand often appears as a middle name in members of the family. We do not think the family ever used Rand-Coleby as a surname but it can be a bit confusing with so many famiy members having Rand as a middle name.

                      Family tree
It looks like the family moved away from Ludham after this time.

One family story is that George Coleby walked a flock of geese from Ludham to London. This was not an unusual practice in those days. The geese had their feet covered in tar and sand to protect them on the long walk. The story continues that George met and married a barmaid in Whitechapel and this started the branch of the family in London which continues to this day. The Ludham Archive cannot conform this is true, but it is a good story.

If you have any more information about this family or the Rands, please get in touch.

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