Everyone is welcome at our meetings and events

Ordinary Archive meetings take place on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Church Rooms. Just turn up and join in. We do not have formal membership. You are also welcome at our winter walks and all the other exhibitions and events we take part in.

Check out the calendar below for details:




This is the calendar where you will find details of our meetings




Archive meetings 2025

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Church Rooms, Norwich Road at 7.00pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend any of our meetings.

All our meetings are informal and usually include an update on new archive material we have gathered. TBA (to be announced) means we don't know for sure yet what will happen at this meeting. We have lots of plans for future meetings so keep looking back here for updates.

Here is the list of meetings. Everyone is welcome. Just turn up.

Jan 14th    -  Unseen Boardman Photographs. We have thousands of photos never looked at. Now is your chance.
Jan 28th    -  The Amazing Cubitts of Norfolk. A special story presented by Chris Marshall.
Feb 11th    -  Review of new material. There is a lot of it to look at for the first time. The Ludham Archive continues to grow.

Feb 25th    -  Ludham Archive 20 years on. A look back at the fantastic collections of photographs from 2005.
Mar 11th    -  Kim's Norfolk Story part 2. More from Kim following on from his last fascinating presentation.
Mar 25th    -  Ludham Wildlife Photography with Tim and Bob. Find out all about how they do those fantastic pictures.
Apr 08th    -  Things My Parents Did.   Go on - tell us about it.
Apr 22nd   -  No meeting - Easter

You can also keep up to date with the Ludham Archive on our Facebook Page. This page is regularly updated with articles, photographs and things of interest.

Keep looking in for updates.

Winter Walks 2025

The Archive Group Committee has decided not to organise any Winter Walks in 2025

Sorry about this but we are a bit short of resources at the moment. If you would like to help organise walks, please let us know.

There are details of Ludham Walks you can follow on our Walks Page.


No village events to report

Other Events

Coffee morning on Fridays 10am - 12noon in St Catherine's Church. You will find us there. The cakes are fantastic.


  Future Events

  No events at present


We meet in the Church Rooms, Norwich Road, Ludham.
Meetings start at 7.00pm and end at 9.00pm. We make a non-compulsory donation of £1 which pays for the hire of the room and the tea and biscuits.
We do not normally meet in August.

Winter Walks

The Group has decided not to run any winter walks in 2024/5.

Other events:

The archive group can often be found at village events. We put on displays so that everyone can see the archive collection.
Sometimes we give presentations to other groups with a slide show or video.

Review of New Material:

The Ludham Archive continues to collect new archive material about Ludham. New items are constantly arriving.
We look at new material at most meetings, but such is the volume of new stuff that we need to devote some of our meetings to looking at it. These are fascinating events and you never know what gems are going to turn up next.

TBA (To Be Advised):

All this means is that we don't know for sure what will be happening at this meeting. We have lots of plans for future meetings but the dates can be a bit fluid and we sometimes have to change them about a bit.
Keep looking in to this page to see the latest information.
Whatever happens, it will be interesting and often a bit different. That's normal at the Ludham Archive.