Rice and the Thurne Ferry
the bank of the River Thurne opposite the end of
Thurne Dyke stands St Benet's Level Drainage Mill.
Near to the mill, there once stood a cottage long
since destroyed by fire. It was called Marsh or Ferry
House. From this spot, a ferry used to operate taking
people across the Thurne. In the days before people
had cars, it was a long walk from Thurne to Ludham as
you had to go all the way round via Potter Heigham
Bridge and the ferry was well used by local people
making their way round the area.
Bob Rice was the
ferryman for 40 years until his retirement in 1915.
Bob was a fourth generation marshman and as well as
the ferry he would look after the mill and carry out a
daily inspection of the local marshes which were then
ecclesiastical land and used for fattening cattle.