of Gillian Abel - Growing up in Ludham
Memories of Gillian Abel.
I attended Ludham Primary School at
approximately four and a half years of age.
The head teacher was Mr. Arthur Bird. We received free
school milk and if there was any over we would form a
circle and swivel the milk Bootle round. When the top of
the bottle pointed to one of the children, that person
had the extra one.
I remember in the top class when it was dinnertime, you
would either be a helper or a monitor and this meant
serving the younger children their dinners. The sweets
in particular I remember. You could have a tiny, small,
large or extra large portion. This meant when it was
semolina and melting moments I could have as extra large
portion because it was my favourite.
We had to tidy the plates away and fold down the tables
and stack the forms. One day we had had chips for
dinner. I was taking the form back and slipped on a chip
on the floor. My form went through one of the partition
windows, which divided the hall in half. It was no
ordinary partition. It had beautifulEdwardian ladies
painted on the glass and I had broken one. For some time
later, I had still left my mark. There was a piece of
brown card covering the hole.
At weekends we would go and play over Latchmoor. It was
a very big field with lots of space to run about. It is
now Latchmoor Park with lots of houses. I used to ride
my little bike up and down dirt track slopes – it was
great fun.
Out side “Jaspers” which was then gents hairdressers
(now the “Cats Whiskers”) was a very big conifer tree.
We used to have great fun seeing how many conkers we
could get.
Where Ludham Garage petrol pumps are was a large wooden
house. My Aunt Lotty and Uncle Albert lived in it and I
can just remember going inside.
At the old doctor’s surgery where medicines were made up
for you, they would be placed on a shelf and you just
helped yourself to the one with your name on it.