Ludham is a small village and its streets and thatched
cottages seem timeless when you first see them. However,
the pace of change has never been quicker in modern life
and Ludham is not immune to this process. Village
life has changed out of all recognition in living memory.
Older residents remember running water first arriving at
their houses and how mains drains and rubbish collections
transformed their lives. They are speaking of the 1970s
and not some time in the distant past. Many of these
changes have been for the better and now the Village is a
very different place.
These days, many Ludham residents have only recently
moved to the area and they are often unaware of how
different Ludham life used to be. This is why it is so
important to record the memories of Ludham people.
On this page, we have gathered together a collection of
Ludham memories. We hope you enjoy them. Do keep looking
in, we are adding more on a regular basis.
Gowing A talk
with music given by Beulah to the Mother's
Union in 1988 with many Ludham memories.
Beulah Gowing Diaries and
Press Cuttings. Beulah recorded all
the everyday events of village life in her
diaries from 1984 to 1989. They are
fascinating because they record the
ordinary things which are so easily
Martin Walton and Nancy Legg. The Ludham
Society Tape
More Videos:
You can find more videos on different Ludham subjects
on our Videos Page. Just click
on the button above.
Do you have any memories of Ludham?
People often tell us that their memories and experiences
are not important or trivial. In our experience this is
rarely the case and we all have something interesting to
say. Why not contact us and tell us your memories? We will
be happy to listen and to make suitable recordings so that
your stories and memories are available to future
Just send us an e-mail to:
Recording the memories of Ludham residents is an
important part of the Archive Group's work.
Recordings can take various different forms. The
most common are:
Written memories. Often these are letters
or e-mails sent to the Ludham Archive, although
they can take the form of transcripts of audio
recordings. (We sometimes do this when the sound
quality is poor).
Audio recordings. We sometimes make
audio recordings of Ludham residents talking about
the past. However, we prefer video recordings if
we can do them as they bring the memories to life.
Videos. This is our prefered method of
recording memories. We also make videos of
talks given to the Archive Group.