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Brian Slater

Canham wedding

Above is a photograph of the wedding of Norah (Molly) Browne and Frederick Canham taken in front of Mill House, How Hill, I have confirmed this with the present owner.
The bridesmaid on the centre rear is Cissy Browne who later married the tall man on her right James Thompson.
It is believed that both girls worked at the Big House certainly Cissy Thompson, maybe for the major part of her life.

Robert Platford the gardener was guardian to the two girls whose parents went to the US prior to WW1.
bob platford
Bob Platford cutting the grass at How Hill

All my cousins recall wonderful times spent in Ludham with our Uncle Charlie and Aunty Violet Thompson at Wembley Cottage. As well as being the Methodist Minister he had a very successful small holding, he claimed to be able to provide the finest and earliest tomatoes on the Broads to boats at Womack Water, his green house like a tropical forest inside. (Ludham Archive note - He also gave the walnut trees which line the church path from Norwich Road and lived to the age of 99).

Once a week we would help him to load up his trailer to be towed behind his sturdy bicycle to Stalham Market. Produce, livestock and nephews and nieces all in the same trailer, once he let me bid for a radio at the auction, I would be only 14 years old. I was so excited but sadly my parents less so when we had to fit it in the a small car for a long drive back to Nottingham.

Only yesterday my cousin, 10 years my junior recalled the same Uncle Charlie stories as they are in the minds of his great grandchildren, he was the family hero

Brian Slater

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