Norfolk Families

Flegg Island

Home Page

If you are unfamiliar with the Flegg area The Flegg Villages provides you with a map and some basic information.

The baptism, marriage and burial records attached to this Home Page are ones I have gathered together whilst searching through church records in the County Record Office in Norwich. I am aware that there are some gaps in them but would like to think that this is just a start. There are of course local family names that do not feature here - yet! Updated or new pages are marked with an asterisk. Additional records are from the parish of Fleggburgh (Burgh St. Margaret).Currently, the site contains records of the following surnames:-

Abbott    Adams    Addy    Alden    Alexander    Allard    Allen    Alton*    Amiss    Andrews    Annison    Appleton    Archer    Arnop    Artis    Ashby*    Auger    Ayres    Bacon    Bailey    Baker    Balls    Barber    Barker    Barnard    Barnes    Barnwell*    Barret    Barrow*    Barton*    Bartram*    Bately*    Bateman*    Baxfield*    Bayes    Bean*    Beare*    Beck    Beech    Bell    Belson    Bennett*    Benns    Besford    Bensley    Bessey    Betts*    Beverley    Biggs    Bird    Bishop    Black*    Bland    Blofield    Blogg    Blyth    Bond    Boult*    Boulton    Bower    Bowgen    Bowman    Boyce    Brackenbury*    Bradfield    Brady*    Brand    Branford*    Breeze    Brewster    Briggs*    Brightman    Brooks    Broom    Brown    Brunson    Bulley    Bullin*    Bullock    Bultitude    Bunn    Burgess*    Burrows    Burton    Bush*    Bushell    Butterfant    Buxton    Bygrave    Cannell*    Cannon    Carman*    Carnes*    Carpenter*    Carr    Carrier*    Carter    Carver*    Castel    Catchpole    Cator    Chaplin*    Chapman    Chase    Cheney    Childs    Chubbock    Church    Clarke    Claxton*    Clipperton    Clowes    Coates    Cobb    Cocke    Cockerill    Colby    Cole    Collett*    Collins    Collyer    Colman*    Coman*    Conyard    Cook    Cooper    Cope*    Copeman    Coppin    Cordy*    Cory*    Cossey    Crane    Creak    Creasey    Crisp    Cross*    Croswell    Crow    Cubitt    Cudden    Cullinder*    Culling    Curtis    Dack    Dady    Dane    Daniels    Davey    Davison*    Dawkins    Day*    Dawson    Dean    Deary    Death*    Deingayne    Denew    Denny    Derry    Dingle    Dix    Dixon    Dove*    Dow    Downing*    Drake    Drye    Duck    Dunham    Dunt    Durrant    Dyble    Dye    Eade    Earl*    Easter    Ebbs*    Edmonds    Edwards    Eldridge*    Elliot    Ellis    Elston    Emmerson    Empson    English    Ennes*    Everett    Everson    Fabb*    Fairchild*    Fairweather    Farman    Faulkner    Ferrence    Ferrier    fframlingham*    Filby    Firman*    Fish    Flaxman    Flegg*    Flint*    Flowerdew    Ford    Fowler*    Francis    Frosdick    Fuller    Futter    Gage    Gallant    Galloway    Gamble    Gardiner    Garnham    Garrard    Gaze    Gedge    George    Gibbs    Gilbert    Gill    Gislam    Glasspoole    Goatson    Goffin    Golder    Gooch    Goodens    Goodwin    Goose*    Gorble    Goshard    Goss    Gotts    Gowen    Grapes    Graver    Gray    Green    Greenacre    Greensides    Grice    Grimes    Grimmer    Gunton    Gymer    Hales    Halfnight*    Hall    Hallock*    Hannant    Harbord    Hardingham    Harker*    Harman    Harper    Harris    Harrison    Harvey    Hastings    Haw    Hayden*    Haylett    Hayward*    Hearn*    Henry    Herring*    Hewitt    Hill    Hodds    Hollis*    Holmes    Holt    Hood    Horth    Hovell    Howard    Howell    Howlett*    Howse    Hubbard    Hudson    Huggins    Humphrey    Hunn    Hunt    Huntingdon*    Hutchins    Jary    Jay    Jealous*    Jecks    Jefferies    Jermy*    Johnson    Jones    Juby    Julier    Keeler*    Kemp    Kendall*    Kerridge*    Kerrison    Kettle/Kittle    Key*    Kidman    King    Kippen    Kirby*    Kirk*    Kirkman    Knights    Knowles    Lacey    Lacon    Lake    Lane    Larke    Larner    Larwood    Lawn    Lawrence    Laws    Lawson    Leath    Leech    Leggett    Lemmon    Lewis    Liffin*    Lilley    Linford    Lingay*    Lingwood    Littleboy    Littlewood    Lock    Lodge    London    Lone*    Long    Losse    Lowe*    Lown    Lubbock    Lucas    Lusher    Mace*    Madwell    Maggs*    Mallet    Mann    Manning*    Manship    Manthorpe    Mapes*    March    Markant*    Marshall    Marston    Martin    Mason    Massam    Mathews    Mayes    Mayhew*    Meadows*    Mickleburgh    Mileham    Miller    Mills    Mingay    Minns    Mitchell    Moll    Money    Monsey    Moore    Mordewe    Morris    Morter    Mortimer    Munford    Mutton    Myhill    Narburgh    Nash*    Neave    Nelson    Newall*    Newby    Newman    Newson    Newstead    Newton    Nichols    Nickerson    Nobbs*    Nockolds    Nolburgh    Norfor    Norgate    Norton    Nudd    Nuthall*    Nutt    Odell    Olley    Osborn    Page    Palgrave    Palmer    Parke*    Parker    Parr    Patterson    Payne    Peach*    Peak*    Pearce    Penbrooke*    Perry*    Pestell    Pettingill    Phillips    Piggen    Pile    Pipes*    Pixton    Plane    Playford    Plummer    Pollard    Popay    Pope    Porter    Postle    Powles    Powley    Pratt    Proctor    Pulford    Pye    Pyecraft    Rackham    Randall    Ransome    Raven    Read    Reeve    Reynes*    Reynolds    Richards*    Riches    Richmond    Rising    Rix*    Roberts    Robinson    Rogers    Rose    Rouse    Rowe    Rudd    Rumbold    Rump    Rush    Russell    Rust    Ruthin    Rye*    Sacker    Sadler    Sales    Salmon    Salter    Saunders    Savoury    Scarlett    Scott    Self    Sewell    Sexton    Shalders    Sharman*    Sharpe    Sheales    Shearing    Shepherd    Shingles    Shivers*    Shore    Shreeve    Shrimpling    Simnet    Sims    Skelton    Skinner    Skipper*    Skoyles    Skurry    Slack*    Smith    Snelling    Snowly    Soulsby    Southgate    Spanton    Spargo    Sparrow*    Spatchet    Spendlove    Spooner    Spurgeon    Squires    Stannard*    Stannow    Stanton    Starkings    Starling    Steel    Steggles    Steward    Stimpson    Stout    Strange    Stringer*    Sutfield    Sutton    Swallow    Swanton*    Swash    Swayne    Symonds    Tanner    Taseborrow*    Taylor    Teasdell    Temple*    Tennant    Thain    Thaxter    Thirkettle*    Thirtle    Thompson    Thornton*    Thorpe    Thurston    Tibbenham    Tilney    Tinby    Todd    Took    Tooley    Townsend    Trett    Trivett*    Trowse*    Tubby    Tuck    Tungate    Turner    Turrel    Tyce    Underwood    Utting    Varley    Vincent    Wacey*    Wade    Waite    Walker    Wall    Walpole    Ward    Warner    Warnes    Warrent    Waters    Waterton    Watling    Watlow    Watson    Watts    Webster    Wells    Wenn    West    Westgate    Whitaker    White    Whitethread    Wicks    Wilgress    Wilkinson    Williams    Willis    Wilson    Winn    Winter    Wiseman    Witchingham    Womack    Woodhouse    Woodrow    Woods    Woolsey    Woolston    Worship    Worsted    Worts    Wright    Yallop    Youngs

Most of the pages on the website show the variations in spelling of surnames for the respective pages. Many of the pages also contain surnames with a similar sound or which may have the same root.  

A  list of Flegg surnames can be seen on Surnames List .

Each surname is linked to its own page. Each page is divided into parishes showing church records of baptisms, marriages and burials. Dates are given year first followed by month then day. For example, 1807.0224 is the same as 24th February, 1807.

Flegg Island Website news updated February 2022

This website was the creation of the late John Brown. The site is no longer being added to but is left on the internet to help anyone researching their family tree in the Flegg area and as a memorial to John. It is unlikely that the family information will go out of date. If you need to contact someone about this website, please feel free to send questions to the Ludham Community Archive Group. This active local history group is not actually located on Flegg Island but is not far away and is hosting and maintaining this website.

Please note that the domain name will be discontinued from November 2022. However, the website will remain available for use and will be fully incorporated into the Ludham Archive website. You will be able to access the Flegg Island website on the following address:  You can also access it from our Family Tree Page at:   These links are already working. Please update your bookmarks now.

We gave the site a large update in June 2013 when we located the files which had gone missing. The site should now be up to date with John's latest research prior to his death.

There are some links below to sites that John recommended. The links are regularly tested and all still work although we are aware that some of the sites listed are no longer being updated. Please let us know if there are any problems with the links. The link the Bernie Guymer's site was updated in September 2021.

One other site which also has strong links to the Flegg area is:- Julie's Norfolk Page. There are several more surnames here not mentioned on this one. It is well worth a visit.

Dick King has produced a large site with references to over six hundred descendants of Abel King. You can find his site at Descendants of Abel King.

A site for Runham is being developed by Furgus Anderson. This can be found at
Runham Village, Great Yarmouth, UK.

Bernie Guymer has produced a site specifically for that surname. The image he has on his site suggests that we are distant relatives!! This can be found at The Guymer Website.

Eleven pages of photographs of the Flegg area can be found at Flegg Views

This page was last updated by John Brown in 2007

The page was restored by Nigel Pope of the Ludham Archive Group. November 2012

 The whole site was further updated in June 2013

Last Update February 2022